Bookseller Catalogs


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

200: FROM NAPOLEON TO VICTORIA: 19TH CENTURY EUROPE JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #200: 53 books: Marie Antoinette; Bidwell's Forging His Chains (1890); Dibdin, A Bibliographical Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany (1821); Cassell’s History of England; Ewald, The Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K. G., and His Times (1882-3); Fellowes, A Visit to the Monastery of La Trappe, in 1817 (1823); Gibbon, Roman Empire (1881); Gibson, The Anatomy of Humane Bodies Epitomized (1694); Lodge, Portraits of illustrious Personages of Great Britain (1840); The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet (1845); Sleeman, Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official (1844); Thornton, Illustrations of the History and Practices of the Thugs (1837); Wilson, Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland, etc.

How to request a print version: Write to Jeff Weber Rare Books []

199: Fore-edge Painting [91 specimens]

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

199: Fore-edge Painting [91 specimens] JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #199: 91 fore-edge paintings offered: 3 by Clare Brooksbank, 2 by Margaret Costa, 1 Ms. C. B. Currie, 2 by Syd Dearden, 3 previously owned by Estelle Doheny, 14 double fore-edges, 10 painted by the 'Dover' Painter (Marks & Co.), 9 by Martin Frost, 17 painted by/for Harrington's, 1 by Helen Haywood, 1 by William Luker, 9 by Don Noble, 15 signed fore-edges, 4 by S.E. Stevens, and many more.

How to request a print version: Write to Jeff Weber Rare Books []

Alphabetically Speaking

Alphabetically Speaking Book artists' and letterpress printers create ABC books on a wide variety of subjects - A to Z about boys and girls, letterpress printing, lichencounters and a simple calligraphy alphabet.

How to request a print version: Please email Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers at for a print version


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

198: AFRICA JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #198: 66 books from the 18th through 20th centuries, including Sir Samuel Baker, Sir Richard Burton, Thomas Buxton, Verney Cameron, Rev. John Campbell, Roualeyn Cumming, Damberger's Travels (1801), Dixon Denham's Narrative of Travels (1828), George Dow, Joseph Freeman on Madagascar (1840), Nathaniel Hawthorne edited the work of Horatio Bridge, Journal of an African Cruiser (1845), George Anson Jackson, Algiers (1817), The Life of Livingston, by John G. Murdoch, etc., Many extraordinary illustrations, color plates, etc.

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